Anyways, this post consists of some concept art for a game that's been on the back-burner at work for a while. I don't know how much I can say about it without violating my non-disclosure agreement. What I will say is that the game has a fantasy/steampunk/WWII kind of environment. The character art that follows is that of one of the characters.
In this post I'll start with some of the reference I choose to work with. My goal here was to make the character as distinct as possible within the bounds of the setting. Trying to achieve that, as well as incorporating idiosyncratic features, is pretty challenging. I wanted the character to look less like a steampunk character, and more like a CHARACTER that just happens to be from a steampunk world.
I picked this actress for facial reference because,......well.......she has a distinct face. That and the fact that I'm firmly against the gross overuse of redheaded heroines in most media (specifically animated series). I specify facial reference because the character is in her 20's and this actress clearly is not.
Well,..... not SO clearly. Eh,...... I going to stop talking now.
The rest of these are just costume reference.

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